Andet, MGDrx EyeBag Ny og ubrugt EyeBag sælges. Bind mod øjensygdomme og gener i øjn..

Udgiver: Morten B.
Pris: 125 kr.
Adresse: Stormandshøjen 18 4000 Roskilde
Udsigt: 8
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Andet, MGDrx EyeBag

Ny og ubrugt EyeBag sælges. Bind mod øjensygdomme og gener i øjne og øjenlåg.

The MGDRx EyeBag is a patented, CE marked Class 1 medical device registered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

The EyeBag is a silk and cotton device which can be re-heated up to 200 times in a microwave. Simply heat for 30 or 40 seconds on full power and the EyeBag will stay warm for up to 10 minutes.

Conditions which usually benefit from regular twice daily EyeBag treatment are:

• Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
• Blepharitis
• Dry Eye Syndrome
• Styes
• Eyelid Cysts (Meibomian cysts know as chalazion, pronounced Ka-lazy-on)
• Contact Lens Dry Eye
• Corneal Laser Dry Eye
• Seborrhoeic dermatitis
• Rosacea

Symptoms which are relieved by EyeBag treatment are:

• Grittiness
• Tiredness
• Redness
• Bleary Vision
• Burning Discomfort
• Foreign body sensation (feels like there's something in the eye)
• Dry eye
• Eye irritation

Each EyeBag will cost you exactly £20 with free postage and no delivery charge. EyeBags will be sent by Royal Mail 1st Class Post and they fit through a standard letter box. Your EyeBag will usually be dispatched within 24 hours.

Please note that free delivery applies to international orders too.

Produkt: Andet
Mærke: MGDrx EyeBag