Andet, Ken Duncan, motiv: Andet, stil: Andet Uluru Ayers Rock.Framed Limited Painting o..

Udgiver: Ian N.
Pris: 100 kr.
Adresse: 8680 Ry
Udsigt: 2
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Andet, Ken Duncan, motiv: Andet, stil: Andet

Uluru Ayers Rock.
Framed Limited Painting of Uluru (Ayers Rock)
Framed Limited Edition (929 of 2000) picture from the famous Australian photographer Ken Duncan. This picture sold out a long time ago.
Ken Duncan quotes this picture: This is a classic scene of the vegetation of the "Red Centre" of Australia. The oaks pictured here are incredibly biologically adapted to the harsh arid conditions of this landscape. When climatic conditions get really dry, the trees drop their leaves totally and the leaves form a natural mulch which traps water to feed the trees´ root systems. In this shot, the last rays of sunlight are striking Uluru and the trunks of the Desert Oaks. The spinifex grass in the foreground is home to numerous species of animal life, which seek shelter deep within the dense vegetation from the stifling heat. Although the grass appears soft, it is quite prickly and sharp. Perfect condition, original packaging. Ring IanN
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Type: Andet
Motiv: Andet
Kunstner: Ken Duncan
Stilart: Andet